[TUT] How to complete the 2048 tile game

Do you ever heard about Flappy Bird? Flappy Bird is a hottest game a time ago, but it was deleted by it's creator, and the new hot game appear: 2048 tile game. You can download the game on App Store or Google Play, or you can play online at http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/

2048 is a tile game, you need to use your brain. The game has a board included 4x4 tile, the rule is easy: you have to use arrow keys to move entire tile up, down, left, right to complete the game:

 - Each time you move, the number tiles on board will be move to the direction you want and another tile will appear randomly (tile with number 2 or 4) on the empty tiles.
 - 2 tiles with the same number on the way you move will be merge together and become 1 number tile with the value is the sum from 2 tiles before.

To win, you have to merge tiles to create the 2048 tile. It sound easy, but it's hard to win. Anyway, I found a strategy to complete the game, that strategy I called it "3 magic directions".

I called it with that name because the method of this strategy is to use only 3 adjacent directions movement to sort the tile (example: up-right-down, or right-down-left), you shouldn't or avoid using the other direction.

This strategy is use to sort the tile by [n,n*2,n*4,n*8] (example: [64,128,256,512] ) of a row or column at the middle direction in 3 adjacent directions.
 - If you use left-down-right: then sort the 4th row (the last row at the bottom standing at the DOWN direction - the middle direction in 3 adjacent directions)
 - If you use up-right-down: sort the 4th column (the last column on the right - the middle direction in 3 adjacent directions)
2048 tile game how to win
Use left-down-right

Note: Use should only use the other direction if you can't move any more using 3 adjacent directions.

This is my result using up-right-down
2048 tile game win
P/S: use this strategy will increase the chance to win up to 90%
Wish you have a fun time with this game. Any problem, feel free to leave comment. Thanks all ^^

[TUT] Cách để hoàn thành game 2048

Như các bạn đã biết, hiện tượng Flappy Bird nổi đình đám trong thời gian qua nay đã lắng xuống, thay vào đó là hiện tượng mới tên là 2048. Bạn có thể tải game trên App Store hoặc Google Play, hoặc chơi online tại http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/

2048 là một dạng tile game, một trò chơi mang tính trí tuệ, trò chơi là 1 bàn cờ gồm 4x4 ô, cách chơi rất đơn giản, đó là dùng các phím di chuyển lên, xuống, trái, phải để hoàn thành trò chơi:

 - Mỗi khi bạn dùng 1 phím di chuyển thì các ô số hiên có trên bàn cờ sẽ dồn về phía đó và sẽ xuất hiện thêm 1 ô số khác (ngẩu nhiên 2 hoặc 4) ở những ô trống còn lại một cách ngẫu nhiên.
 - 2 ô có số giống nhau khi được dồn về 1 phía sẽ cộng dồn vào nhau và sẽ mất đi 1 ô trong 2 ô đó.

Mục tiêu của trò chơi là ghép các ô với nhau sao cho ghép thành ô có số 2048. Thoạt nhìn thì có vẻ đơn giản, nhưng khi chơi rồi mới biết nó khó. Tuy nhiên, mình đã tìm hiểu được chiến thuật để có thể hoàn thành trò chơi, chiến thuật đó mình gọi là chiến thuật "3 hướng liền kề".

Vì sao mình lại gọi như vậy, đó là vì phương thức của chiến thuât này là chỉ dùng 3 hướng di chuyển kế nhau để sắp xếp các ô (ví dụ: trên-phải-dưới, hoặc phải-dưới-trái), không nên hoặc hạn chế dùng tới hướng di chuyển còn lại.

Mục tiêu của chiến thuật này là làm sao để sắp xếp các ô theo thứ tự [n,n*2,n*4,n*8] (ví dụ: [64,128,256,512] ) của hàng hoặc cột nằm ở hướng giữa trong 3 hướng liền kề.
Ví dụ:
 - Đối với trái-dưới-phải: thì sắp xếp hàng thứ 4 từ trên đếm xuống (hàng này nằm hướng dưới - hướng giữa trong 3 hướng)
 - Đối với trên-phải-dưới: thì sắp xếp cột thứ 4 từ trái đếm qua (cột này nằm ở hướng phải - hướng giữa trong 3 hướng)
2048 tile game how to win
Đối với 3 hướng trái-dưới-phải (các ô được sắp xếp thứ tự)

Lưu ý: Chỉ nên dùng hướng di chuyển còn lại khi không còn hướng di chuyển nào trong 3 hướng liền kề được nữa.

Và đây là kết quả của mình khi dùng 3 hướng trên-phải-dưới
2048 tile game win
Đối với trên-phải-dưới
P/S: sử dụng chiến thuật sẽ tăng khả năng chiến thắng của bạn lên khoảng 90%
Chúc bạn chinh phục được game này, có góp ý hay thắc mắc, các bạn cứ để lại lời nhắn. Thanks all ^^

The reason why Flappy Bird was removed from App Store and Google Play

Games are grotesque.
I’m not talking about games like Grand Theft Auto or Manhunt, games whose subjects are moral turpitude, games that that ask players to murder, maim, or destroy. I mean games in general, the form we call “games.” Games are gross, revolting heaps of arbitrary anguish. Games are encounters with squalor. You don’t play a game to experience an idea so much as you do so in an attempt to get a broken machine to work again.
In this way, games are different from other media. Sure, a movie or a book or a painting can depict squalor, can attune us to the agony of misfortune. But unlike film and literature, games do not primarily depict human events and tell stories. And unlike sports, games do not primarily showcase physical prowess. We don’t watch or read games like we do cinema and novels and paintings, nor do we perform them like we might dance or football or Frisbee. Rather, we do something in-between with games. Yes, we “play” games like we do sports, and yes, games bear “meaning” as do the fine and plastic arts. But something else is at work in games. Games are devices we operate.
Sometimes that operation simulates piloting a mecha or a pro athlete or a space marine, but more frequently it entails more mundane activities: moving cards between stacks as in Klondike solitaire; swapping adjacent gems as in Bejeweled; directing a circular, discarnate maw as in Pac-Man. Some machinery is fantastic, but most is ordinary, forgettable, broken.
If you look past the familiar shimmer of Super Mario Bros. and Super Bowl Sunday, there in the middle you will find the unsung paragons of gaming: games like Chess and Go and Backgammon; Tic-Tac-Toe and Dots and Boxes and Crosswords; Monopoly and Candy Land and Sorry!. These are games that frustrate more than they titillate, because operating them involves minimal effort yet considerable misery. It’s not the misery of boredom or stupidity, but the misery of repetition. The misery of knowing what you want to accomplish but not being able to, whether thanks to the plodding pace of a child’s board game, or the bottomless strategic depth of a folk classic. Whereas football yields its beauty through the practiced triumph of the human body and will over circumstance, Sorry! delivers only the stupid, gratuitous anguish caused by our decision to play it in the first place.

Every now and then a game comes along that forces us to admit this inconvenient truth of games. Recently, we have been graced with such a one, a free mobile throwaway called Flappy Bird. The game was first released last summer, but as the year wound down it experienced an unexpected surge in popularity. By the start of 2014, the game had nested itself at the top of the Apple App Store free charts.
Flappy Bird is a stupid game. You control a bird so cute as to signal deformity. Tapping the screen causes the bird to flap, making it rise slightly before quickly falling. The game asks only that you pilot the bird through narrow passageways between two green, Super Mario-style pipes that issue from the top and bottom of the screen. A point is awarded for every pipe you pass. But touch anything and the cute bird tumbles beak-first into the ground: game over.

What is Flappy Bird? How did it succeed in the games industry?

flappy bird game on android, ios

The important thing to make a game success is "Know what the player want".
So that why everyone in the games industry is trying to figure out what "the people" want, and Flappy Bird is not an exception.
The big players in the AAA sector believe the people want military shooters and open-world games full of the old ultra violence. The indie community believes that what people really want is experimental games with heart and a unique visual sensibility. And puzzle platformers. And roguelikes.
The mobile and social game companies, like Zynga and King, are of the opinion that people want something inoffensive to click on every now and then, but not too often, unless they’ve got cash to spend.
Recently, the people have spoken, and what they’ve said might come as a shock to many of the prognosticators and taste makers across the video game business. It turns out that what the people really want, for the moment at least, is Flappy Bird.

Anno1777.com is a scam

The web game named Anno1777 that allow you make money online just by playing game is a SCAM.
I just spent all my money to buy 2 house in this game, and now the game remove all the house without announcement. When I visit their forum, they said that they remove all the house older than 100 days. That's totally SCAM, I spent my time on this game, and they're taking it away. So If you just play for fun then you can play it, but if you don't waste you times,your money,......STAY AWAY from that site "Anno1777.com"

Game - PacMan

YouTube Easter Egg let's you play Snake while loading Clip (Video)

No, not Metal Gear Solid's Snake. We're talking about the Snake that was popular before the smartphone was a twinkle in the industry's eye. Google has imbued YouTube videos with an engaging new easter egg that lets you play the apple-chasing game while your video stream buffers -- simply mash your keyboard's up and down arrow keys during most any clip to increase YouTube's time-wasting potential tenfold. What's that you say -- your internet connection is so ludicrously fast that videos play instantly? Ah, my lucky friend, let us introduce you to YouTube's 4K mode. Or, for a special treat, hijack the footage we've provided after the break to get your meta-giggles going.

Dungeons & Treasures - Play game & Earn money

Do you want to play webgame & win Real Cash? Join Dungeons & Treasure, it's an Adventure Webgame that pays you. Click here to register and Play.

To earn money in this game, you have to find as much GOLD as you can, and after a month, all GOLD will be convert to REAL CASH (in Euro) & Your Character level will be reset to ZERO.

You can find GOLD by ENTER a DUNGEON, or you can use a key (found in DUNGEON) to open a Chest in Chest Room, you will win amount of GOLD (you will win a large amount of GOLD if you use the most value key).
Found Gold - Treasures in Dungeons

Now, let's play game & Earn money.

If you have any question, feel free to ask me.

Game: Franky the fish

Franky the fish
Info : Franky is on a mission to eat the world!
How to play : Arrow keys to move/swim.

Game: VagMan

Click Read More to play game
